
Welcome to the Create Neighbored Event API! You can use our API to access Neighbored Event API endpoints, which can be used to add events to Neighbored while you make them for your website. We have language bindings in Python, Node, and JavaScript. Don't hesitate to ask questions our contact info is at the bottom.


Create Neighbored Event uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can request a new Neighbored API key by emailing us at neighboredllc@neighboredllc.com. You will send the apiKey with the api request payload under the variable "apiKey"

API's Resources

The "Create Neighbored Event" api allows you to insert a small piece of code into your community group, business, community, or county website and participate in the central forum that is Neighbored without having to post twice, making it easier for community admins to manage their time submitting events. Now when you upload the event to your webpage you will also upload it to Neighbored.

Error Messsages

The Create Neighbored Event uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
403 Your API key is wrong, or you do not have permission to use this api.
404 The specified endpoint could not be found.
500 Error adding the document.

Use Cases/Examples

The Neighbored create an event api requires a JSON payload. The structure for that payload can be found below:

Event Object Variable Variable Type Requirements
apiKey String You will be given this once requested for api use.
cityName String Name of City submitting for.
zipCode String 5 digits associated with the cityName
title String 0-30 Characters
address String Official mailing address of event location.
isoDate IsoDateObject I.E. 2022-12-29T03:15 (year, month, day, T, time)
partyDate Obj An object with the day, month, and year as a string in the form of 00/00/0000


Where can I use this?

Any spot that can make a REST call can use this service.

Can I put this on my Facebook?

No you must have full ownership of the code for where you want it used.

Does this cost extra?

It is free for communities, and it's members, using Neighbored's services

Do you offer assistance setting it up?

We will help in any way we can.

Terms of Use

Any community signed up for Neighbored's services can extend this to their community groups and community businesses. Each entity will be given their own apiKey to identify who is making calls. In the Legal Documents section of the footer of this webpage you can find the full "Terms of Use" link.


With the "Create Neighbored Event" api communities can participate in the central forum that is Neighbored without having to post twice, making it easier for community admins to manage their time submitting events. If you're interested in getting your webpage setup with the API contact us at neighboredllc@neighboredllc.com